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Conclusions of the Round Table on Interuniversity cooperation

Cooperation between universities, other higher education institutions and between centres of excellence in the Adriatic and Ionian region constitute an essential factor for transnational cooperation in order to stress our common roots and to better focus cultural and scientific activities for the development of the area. Universities, other institutions and centres confirm their contribution also to the activities relating to the issues of the other Round Tables.

The Conference reviewed the state of interuniversity cooperation as implemented through direct agreements between universities and within the framework of intergovernmental cultural and scientific bilateral agreements, and under European and international multilateral programmes, with particular regard to the definition of a European higher education space, according to the principles of the Sorbone and Bologna Declarations. The Countries of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative will promote interuniversity cooperation in the framework of the above mentioned principles and engage themselves to enlarge those Declarations to the Countries of the area not yet signatories.

Delegations agreed that future interuniversity cooperation in the Adriatic and Ionian will henceforth give priority to the protection and the enhancement of tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the countries in the basin and the construction of the information society.

In the field of cultural heritage, cooperation will be developed in particular censustaking, cataloguing and creating data banks, training experts in the conservation of monuments and management of sites, museums and libraries, as well as in restoring and rehabilitating cultural heritage.

The creation of the information society in the Adriatic and Ionian regìon will require the universities and research centres to the widespread use of territorial information systems and information and computer technologies, with the support of specialized institutions, geared to the management of historical and cultural heritage, higher education, vocational training, remote learning and tele-medicine.

Interuniversity cooperation will contribute both to foster the cultural dimension of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative and to promote a sustainable economic development. It will be strengthened in the area under schemes for the exchange of teachers and students and by defining common research programmes, as well as through specialised training and refresher courses, and the organisation of conferences and seminars.

In order to ensure an effective and organic interuniversity cooperation it was agreed that it would be appropriate to set up, as soon as possible, an "Adríatic and Ionian Universities Network", as a permanent forum in the area, to foster and coordinate common programmes and initiatives.


Divisore Grafico

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